The Metal Yacht - Aluminum & Steel Sailboat Perspectives

He's back! Ted Brewer is back as a guest blogger here at Sail Far Live Free , and I'm thrilled to share his perspective on metal sailboats. If you've been following my blog, you know that I occasionally like to feature guest posts from prominent sailing personalities that I think can offer some knowledge, perspective, and unique thoughts to my personal interest in sailboats, cruising, and the sailing life. Ted took a little break from his somewhat regular musings here on Sail Far Live Free to cope with a fall that messed up some of the tendons in his hand, a bout with the flu, and an eightieth birthday. But now that he's back on track (and still cranking out sailboat design work!), I asked him to share his thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of metal sailboats. In fact, Ted was working on plans for a 45' steel hulled cutter with an aluminum deck for a client in Russia when I contacted him recently. What follows is Ted's response to my request for in...