
Showing posts with the label sailboat surveys

Sailboat Inspection Tips for Prospective Buyers

"As a sailor judges his prospective ship by a 'blow of the eye' when he takes interest enough to look her over at all, so I judged the Spray , and I was not deceived." -Joshua Slocum from Sailing Alone Around the World  ( Spray was the name of his sailboat) Now that we've got 3 little sailors to raise, we're slowly starting to explore the idea of a bigger cruising sailboat. I say slowly because we're content to take our time and really assess our needs and wants for the next boat. As we move through the process, I thought it would be good to explore the sailboat inspection process, both as a resource for you, the reader, and as a reminder for us, the prospective buyers. The following information about inspecting a sailboat was adapted from an excellent post and thread over at the forums on Sailnet .  The original post and most of the content below was written by Sailingdog (aka Dan) but is being shown here with his permission (Thanks Dan!). I'v