
Showing posts with the label falling overboard

Tragedy at Sea: Triple Stars and the 2011 NARC

"The sea's rules can be ignored only at real, physical peril, not at mere risk of social or financial penalty." -Tom Wicker from Rough Passage Sometimes being an aspiring blogger comes with the unfortunate consequence of reporting and editorializing heart wrenching stories. That's the case today as I write about the tragedy in the latest North American Rally to the Caribbean (NARC). Many bloggers and media outlets already reported on the sad story of the cruising vessel Triple Stars back in November of 2011. I refrained from blogging about the event at the time because I felt the story was well covered, and frankly, too sad to write about at the time. Now that time has passed and new details related to the story have surfaced, I feel compelled to share the tragedy of Triple Stars  here on my blog today. For those unfamiliar with the NARC, it's one of several cruising sailboat rallies that groups several boats together for a passage from the mainland United Stat...