Double Enders According to Perry (Guest Post by Bob Perry)

Have you ever wondered why many classic bluewater sailboats are double enders? Is there something inherent in the double ender design that makes them particularly well suited for offshore work? Or maybe you're like me and simply find them to be irresistibly good looking and aspire to own one regardless of the design's intended function. I'm pleased to welcome a very special guest blogger to Bob Perry , one of the world's foremost yacht designers and a double ender aficionado, has graciously agreed to share his thoughts on my blog. For more of Bob's writing, try Yacht Design According to Perry . What follows are Bob's words... Double-Enders According to Perry , by Bob Perry Oh boy. I get to write on someone else’s blog. I think I will write about double enders as a subject in itself. Without bragging too much I think I might be responsible for more double enders on the water than any other designer. I don’t have ...