Blue Water on a Budget: 5 Budget Cruisers for Crossing Oceans

"I've always wanted to sail to the South Seas, but I can't afford it!" What these men can't afford is not to go. -Sterling Hayden from Wanderer I've read Hayden's quote countless times and I'm always left on the other side feeling inspired and full of questions about what I really want out of life. You can read Hayden's full quote in this blog post I wrote back in 2009. The premise of the quote is that a tiny budget and the lack of a shiny new sailboat shouldn't stand in the way of making cruising dreams a reality. Or to use more of Hayden's blunt words, "Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?" If you read any of the mass circulation sailing rags like SAIL Magazine or Cruising World you're left thinking that there simply aren't any suitable cruising boats available if you can't write a non-rubberized $X00,000 check. Want evidence? Here's a few of the cruisers recently review...