
Showing posts with the label Ocean Watch

Around the Americas

I've blogged before about the recent slough of record attempting voyages aboard sailboats. While I applaud the courage, endurance, and state of mind required to make some of these attempts, I'm not personally inspired to break any records or create a media splash. I quite simply hope to Sail Far and Live Free. I do, however, find some of the current record voyages and hype worth mentioning. One such voyage I did find interesting and worthwhile was that of the Around the Americas (ATA) expedition .  During 2009/2010, the crew of s/v Ocean Watch sailed her 25,000 miles literally all the way around both North and South America with the mission of inspiring, educating, and engaging citizens of the Americas to protect our fragile oceans. A worthy cause, right? My former life as a marine biologist has me believing so. s/v Ocean Watch with her goal printed on the big spinnaker The Around the Americas expedition raised awareness for an important issue with an engaging website,