Sirius Signal SOS Distress Light Review

Spring commissioning always involves taking inventory of spare parts, gear and safety equipment to make sure we're prepared for the season ahead. Invariably, it feels like our flares are expired every spring, though in reality I believe they have a shelf life of about 3 years. When they are truly expired, I'm always at loss for how to properly and safely dispose of them. Replacing them requires a $40 purchase. These are minor hassles for the inherent safety (and USCG compliance) that carrying the flares onboard provide. But have you read the what the USCG says about electronic alternatives? From Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart 175.130: Any of the following signals, when carried in the number required, can be used to meet the requirements of 175.110: 1) An electric distress light meeting the standards of 46 CFR 161.013. One is required to meet the night only requirement. 2) An orange flag meeting the standards of 46 CFR 160.072. One is required to mee...